Call for Abstract

3rd Annual Congress on Emergency Medicine and Acute Care, will be organized around the theme “Enhancing emergency preparedness through improved exercises and training”

ACEMAC 2020 is comprised of 15 tracks and 80 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in ACEMAC 2020.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

The treatment given for ill or injured patients requiring immediate medical attention is termed as emergency medicine. It isn’t characterized by location; however, it might be practiced in a group of settings which includes hospital-based facility, emergency care center, medical prescription units, and. Emergency prescription experts give respected clinical and management services to the emergency department. The physicians required more knowledge and skills to diagnose and prevent the urgent aspects of patients. Primarily as they are first line providers should initiate resuscitation, stabilization in the initial acute phase acts as a therapeutic claim.


  • Track 1-1Paramedical services or rescue squad
  • Track 1-2Pre hospital care in emergency domain
  • Track 1-3Intensive therapy unit
  • Track 1-4Trauma care management

The cardiac care is the term to describe immediate diagnosis of emergencies such as respiratory arrest, drowning, heart attack. The cardiac disorders are the number one killer of adults. Early recognition and initiation of appropriate treatment can save lives during three of the most deadly cardiac emergencies: sudden cardiac arrest, heart failure, and acute pericarditis. Therefore, more attention for accurate diagnosis and immediate managements should be paid in order to improve clinical outcomes, which includes reducing mortality and mobility.

  • Track 2-1Congestive heart failure
  • Track 2-2Multiple cardiac arrests
  • Track 2-3Myocardial infarction
  • Track 2-4Angina pectoris
  • Track 2-5Arrhythmias
  • Track 2-6Cardiac rehabilitation therapy

The cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a emergency lifesaving technique useful in many conditions drowning, heart attack in which heartbeat and breathing stops. This technique is used as a life support for oxygenating the brain and heart to provide oxygen to heart, brain and other vital organs until the appropriate treatment restores normal heart and ventilatory action. Adrenaline (epinephrine) is the major drug used during resuscitation of cardiac arrest. Currently 50%-60% of Sudden death occurs when breathing and heartbeat stop suddenly. The major role in children who have pre-operative are successfully resuscitated. Cardiac arrest Outside North America advanced life support can be remarkably effective.


  • Track 3-1Neonatal resuscitation program(NRP)
  • Track 3-2Artificial ventilation(mouth to mouth resuscitation)
  • Track 3-3Coronary vessel injury
  • Track 3-4Brain resuscitation

The Pediatric emergency is a serious condition which threatens the life of an infant, child, or teen. Generally physicians required special knowledge and skills to assess the condition of the children and also provides medicine to the children who are actually ill or else injured.. Because of insufficient oxygenation and ventilation or perfusion from any cause will become difficult to determine the primary physiologic problem. The most common factors are high fever, difficulty in breathing, infectious diseases, exposure to foreign objects will cause allergic reactions.The doctor prepares for the immediate therapeutic support. Child trauma is a leading cause of death in infants.


  • Track 4-1Pediatric cardio pulmonary failure
  • Track 4-2Asthma due to frequent allergies
  • Track 4-3Unintentional Poisoning
  • Track 4-4Pediatric seizures
  • Track 4-5Emergency in dental practice

Trauma can termed as when a person experiences distressing event that involve serious harm or injury or threat of death. The critical trauma disease has always the trends in military war experiences. These are historically revolutionized clinical concepts and medical devices. The trauma injuries may range from small lesions to multi organ injury. The development of intensive care technology and challenging our health care systems in the management of multiple victims has led to new innovations in our trauma care system. The research includes “intensive care medicine”.


  • Track 5-1Non traumatic back pain
  • Track 5-2Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Track 5-3Pregnancy trauma
  • Track 5-4Non traumatic vision loss
  • Track 5-5Head trauma
  • Track 5-6Cardiac trauma
  • Track 5-7Pulmonary trauma

The acute respiratory failure occurs when fluid builds up in air sacs and cause difficulty in breathing or inability to breathe in such cases patient takes irregular or slow breaths where immediate medical help is required and can be fatal if not treated. Chronic diseases of respiratory tract, influenza, pneumonia, are frequent respiratory disorders. Asthma and COPD are characterized by bronchial hyper responsiveness followed by chronic inflammation which results in cough; shortness of breath. Pulmonary disorders either acute or chronic require long term treatment. Several easy techniques are designed which includes inhalers and some electronic device which improves patient adherenceNovel therapeutic targets i.e. biomarkers are also useful for identification.


  • Track 6-1Exposure to carcinogens cause lung cancer
  • Track 6-2Pneumonia
  • Track 6-3Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder
  • Track 6-4Bronchitis (Acute & Chronic)
  • Track 6-5Dyspnea (shortness of breath)

The neuro emergency is a condition in which patient face with poor functional recovery unless treated in early stages. The neuro disorders arise frequently if not diagnosed properly can be life threatening conditions such as paralysis with long term disability results in death. Neurologic diseases are more common in geriatric patients and a major cause of death and disability in this population. Conditions include acute ischemic stroke, transient ischemic attack, subarachnoid hemorrhage, traumatic brain injury, seizures, and central nervous system infections. Treatment involves low threshold treatment is given. Generally in geriatrics. Polypharmacy increase complexity, adverse drug reactions. The emergency staff should provide high quality, patient centered and safe treatment.



  • Track 7-1Osteoporosis
  • Track 7-2Shock due to blood loss
  • Track 7-3Physiotherapy
  • Track 7-4Sudden onset of headache due to inherited weakness in blood vessel
  • Track 7-5Diabetes by accumulation of high levels of glucose
  • Track 7-6Loss of consciousness(fainting)
  • Track 7-7Convulsions

Acute nursing is a secondary health care where patients receive active but short term treatment. Based on severity primary, secondary and tertiary nursing will be preferred. Every kind of modern nursing role is demanding, but acute care represents one of healthcare most challenging disciplines. The acute nurses have to perform a wide variety of tasks and must be prepared for different situations every day. The hospital level doesn’t negate the importance of physical activity. Although some conditions such as fractures requires bed rest to heal. The complications of prolonged bed rest include decreased cardiac reserve, muscle weakness, atrophy, glucose intolerance, constipation. The outcome measures are vital for helping nursing and rehabilitation staff asses and changes in patient function. The type of physical activity should be aerobic, muscle strengthening, bone strengthening absolute contraindications are preferred in case of pericarditis, acute myocardial infarction.

  • Track 8-1Nursing rehabilitation
  • Track 8-2Physical activity for muscle strengthening
  • Track 8-3Acute respiratory care of the neonate
  • Track 8-4Discharge planning
  • Track 8-5Reduce risk of dementia

The reproductive and Gynecological disorders are the conditions which threatens the life of a woman due to infections or inflammations. The gynecology emergency is divided into two pregnancy and non-pregnancy. Acute pelvic inflammatory disease, miscarriage, ovarian cysts are pregnancy issues. Other complications like menstrual disorders are non-pregnancy category. The life threatening complication includes obesity condition which occurs during labor and birth. This results in increase risk to women’s health and also loss of baby.


  • Track 9-1Ectopic pregnancy due to chlamydia
  • Track 9-2Uterine fibroids cause low back pain
  • Track 9-3Miscarriage due to low heart beat
  • Track 9-4Endometriosis
  • Track 9-5Pelvic inflammatory diseases

The patient management activities which are performed by anesthesiologist in an operating room as critical care service required during resuscitation. The physicians generally trained in critical care medicine to provide additional diagnostic therapeutic involvements with in intensive care unit which directly affect the patient outcome.  The reversible loss of consciousness during the treatment anesthesia causes “sedation”. These are used in emergency conditions to suppress the intolerable pain. Narcotic drugs and NSAID’S are psychoactive compounds used in emergency. The factors like patient’s age, extent of injury, nature of injury, homeostasis will affect the wound healing and the potential for infection. Wounds and burns also occur due to sudden onset or an accident or release of sudden onset or an accident or release of hazardous substances in nature results in damaging the environment as well as ecosystem. Difference in temperature between environment and body causes thermal gradient. Some of these are acute and life threatening.


  • Track 10-1General anesthesia for short term amnesia
  • Track 10-2Local anesthesia during pregnancy
  • Track 10-3Legs and hand laceration
  • Track 10-4Puncture treatment
  • Track 10-5Wound preparation in injury

The infectious diseases caused by organisms such as fungi, bacteria or through virus. Generally they are harmless sometimes even helpful. Large outbreaks of pandemic influenza, Ebola virus, and severe acute respiratory syndrome are not exceptional but are the consequences of increasing urbanization and some anthropogenic changes such as global warming, deforestation. Based on three major factors rate of transmission of pathogen, CFR (Case fatality ratio), and probability of disease causing pathogen to individual the mortality rate has been increasing due to infectious agents. Because of excess distal, intermediate and provisional factors the susceptibility towards infectious exposure ultimately results in disease outcome followed by death

  • Track 11-1Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Track 11-2Air borne diseases cause by pathogens
  • Track 11-3Tetanus by bacterial toxins
  • Track 11-4Rabies
  • Track 11-5Human immunodeficiency virus infection
  • Track 11-6Water borne diseases
  • Track 11-7Malaria causes by plasmodium

The medical procedure which is performed to prevent and to relieve airway obstruction. This ensures an open pathway for gas exchange between a patient's lungs and the atmosphere. These are categorized as basic techniques i.e. improve ventilation and advance techniques include tracheotomy. The ingestion and exhalation of foreign bodies also results in complete obstruction. Recent advanced techniques used for trauma and cardiac resuscitation are very well emerging developments.


  • Track 12-1Tracheal intubation to administer the drugs
  • Track 12-2Vascular access surgery for hemodialysis
  • Track 12-3Laryngoscopy
  • Track 12-4Oropharyngeal airway

The medical imaging technique is the process to get the pictures of human body for easy assessment of diagnosis as well as treatment. The other issues can also track by accurate imaging (AI).The broken bones and tumors are easily identified by frequent diagnosis. Positron emission tomography (PET), Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), single photon emission computed tomography (CT), are the advanced techniques which not only produce detailed images, but also visualizes the metabolic process of the body. The current innovations in emergency care are telemedicine, online check in for patients, patient flow software for admission and discharge procedures. The neuro imaging center has a powerful MRI scanner which examines how diseased and healthy brain work.



  • Track 13-1Emergency radiology
  • Track 13-2Trauma imaging
  • Track 13-3Magnetic resonance imaging
  • Track 13-4Ultra sound therapy
  • Track 13-5CT scan of heart

The emergency conditions will be ethical at individual, institutional and global levels. These ethical dilemmas routinely arise at emergency departments in hospital setting. Physicians, patients and patient families are face a problem of decision making become difficult in terms of ethics. There occur many difficulties in emergency care; in terms of need of quick involvement to save life, unknown history of patient, scarce resources, family culture or beliefs, and emergency crowdedness. The complex patient case involves many psychosocial issues


  • Track 14-1Patient confidentiality regarding medical reports
  • Track 14-2Negligence and malpractice in case of medication errors
  • Track 14-3Violation of patient relationship
  • Track 14-4Preventing Workplace Violence in the Health Care
  • Track 14-5Valid informed consent

The medical innovation involves discovery and development of therapies to save lives effectively. Immersive training is quick turning into the new standard by online training, or situation-based simulations. In spite of the amusement social association, gaming will drive the initial adaptation of virtual reality innovation. The hugest market for virtual reality will be in basic care and in enhancing wellbeing and health. Current technologies are founded on more than 30years of research and development. The technology is currently used for the prevention, treatment and chronic disease management. Emergency medical services are now available for the advanced treatment and diagnostic equipment, for example, X-ray and ultrasound devices, electrocardiograms.


  • Track 15-1Globalization of Heath Care
  • Track 15-2Automated wildfire protection systems
  • Track 15-3Advances in health science medicine
  • Track 15-4Emergency communication apps
  • Track 15-5Laws and guidelines through education
  • Track 15-6Medicinal research